Redwood Financial

Your finances couldn't be in better hands
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Financial Advisers Located in Horsham, West Sussex

Financial Advisers Located in Horsham, West Sussex

Welcome to Redwood Financial

The great joy of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about life's uncertainties, and our aim is to pave the way for a more secure financial future for you, your family and for businesses of all sizes.

You are the focus of our business: You, your life, your family, your future.

Our understanding of your current financial situation is the keystone to the formulation of a financial plan which will meet your future needs. Many people have goals and dreams, but a goal without a plan is just a wish... an achievable goal is a dream with a deadline.

So it all starts with listening. We listen to your needs, your hopes, your dreams, and we formulate a plan, which enables us to offer you clear, no-jargon advice on the most appropriate financial products for your personal circumstances.

This is the start of our journey together, to prepare the plan to meet your goals, to ensure that you, your family and your assets are protected, and to help you build a brighter, more secure future.

Call us today on 01403 230440 or email us at and we'll be pleased to help you.

The Financial Conduct Authority do not regulate inheritance tax planning.


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See What Our Clients Have to Say About Us

Graeme B.

Nick always has his customer’s best interests at heart.

Nick advises me on all matters realting to my mortgage, pensions & investments.

Nick recently advised me with regard to reviewing my mortgage.

The great thing was, that I did not have to spend hours trawling the internet, trying to find the best deals for myself, because Nick did that for me.

The whole deal was sorted out within days & I am saving money every month. Despite the fact that mortgages are not always easy to come by these days, Nick sorted out the best deal for me.

Nick’s knowledge of the financial market is second to none & he always has his customer’s best ineterests at heart.

Nick offers an extremely prompt & professional service, whilst remaining a very friendly & helpful personality.

I would not hesitate in recommending Nick to my friends, family & colleagues.


01403 230440
10 Foundry Court, Horsham,
Foundry Lane
Horsham, RH13 5PY

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